Saturday 18th August 2012
The morning started like most others... a stroll to the markets (where we devour our favorite Frankfurt in a bun!), walking our partly blind and deaf dog Bron, and relaxing with the family. The family consisting of a wonderful mother, a hilarious father, an amazing older sister and us... "The Twins".
Today was extra special. Not only was the weather great (except for the gale force winds), my Grandparents came up from out-of-state to watch our little 'Bud' play in his under 6 soccer game.
My grandma is currently going though chemo treating cancer and due to the cold Ekka winds was too risky for her to watch the game. Instead we managed to mix the old generation with new technology and my grandma Skyped for the first time in her life, with a long lost friend. It almost brought us to tears to see her face light up when her friends face appeared on the screen.
It was a great day full of happiness and laughs.
That almost made me a little teary. My beautiful sisters xo